1. 按摩头部先从发际线慢慢到头顶及后脑勺,力道由轻到重,頭皮若有疼痛感,可针对痛点稍微用力,持续按揉到舒缓为止。
2. 准备玫瑰花4朵、薰衣草1茶匙、陈皮2-3片及佛手2-3片放进壶里,用500ml沸水浸泡5-10分钟后饮用,可反复冲泡2-3遍。
3. 将1只乌骨鸡放入锅内汆烫,之后加入清洗好的药材:人参1条,川芎10克,当归10克。接着加入水煮至大滚后,转小火慢慢炖至30分钟或至鸡肉软嫩即可。
4. 手掌侧腕橫纹上两寸,约三手指的距离,两筋之间找内关穴。轻轻按揉此穴5秒,休息片刻再反复按揉,持续5分钟即可。
Was feeling frustrated to be down with COVID-19…However, when the ART test finally turns negative, yet you continue to feel lethargic, unable to focus, become forgetful, constant body aches and feeling moody? You might be suffering from post-COVID symptoms.
These symptoms can last beyond 4 weeks, affecting our daily lives. Let’s try some TCM methods to relieve these symptoms!
1. Massage your scalp starting from the front hairline all the way to the back, with gradual increase in intensity. Repeat a few times till you feel more refreshed.
2. Prepare 4 dried rose buds, 1 tsp of lavender, 2-3 pieces of dried tangerine peel and fingered citron each. Place them in a teapot and soak in boiling water for 5-10 mins. Can be brewed for 2-3 times.
3. Place the whole chicken inside a large pot. Add the washed herbs: 1 stalk of Ginseng, Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage root) 10g and Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis) 10g. Add water and bring it to a boil. Subsequently, turn down the fire and let it gently simmer for 30 minutes or until the chicken meat is tender.
4. First, locate Nei Guan acupoint by placing 3 fingers above the wrist crease line on the inner side of both arms. The acupoint is in between the 2 tendons. Massage for 5 seconds and rest. Repeat for a few times, for at least 5 mins.

**Kindly note that the information listed here only serve as informational and educational purposes. They do not substitute professional medical advice or consultation with healthcare professionals.
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